Deglobal Consulting



services for you

+91 - 8446312333


DEGC provides the innovative technology and various spinning systems with humidification systems and also accessories for spinning machineries.

  • Cotton Spinning
  • Ring Spinning
  • Rotar Spinning
  • blowrooms line
  • carding
  • drawframes (Breaker/Finisher)
  • combers
  • Speed Frame
  • Ring Frame &
  • Winding
  • TFO

It is a long esta asbli okli shed fact that a reaasider will be distr acted byoi thei read able content of a page askon when looki okngjo at its layout The point oif using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more orless norimal disokt ribution of letters as opposed to using.It is a long esta asbli okli shed fact that a reaasider will be distr acted byoi thei read able content of a page askon when looki okngjo at its layout

Different Methods Of Spinning:

It is a long esta asblished fact that a reader will be distr acted byoi the read able content of a page when looki okngjo at its layout The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more orless norimal dist ribution of letters, as opposed to using It is a long estab lished fact that a reade.

  • Ring spinning.
  • Open-end spinning
  • Friction spinning
  • Self twist sinning: wool or wool like
  • Electrostatic spinning
  • Vortex spinning
  • Airjet spinning: wool, man-made staple
  • Twistless spinning
  • Wet spinning
  • Dry spinning: acetate making
  • Melt spinning: polyester
  • Bio-component spinning
  • Bio-constituent spinning
  • Integrated composite spinning
  • Aerodynamic spinning
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing

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